


Ladies look at all the progress we’ve made! Until the 1970s, we could be denied a mortgage, credit card or business loan without a male co-signer. Actually not until 1988 on the business loans! Women were also not assured their job if they became pregnant or had a kid OR have a right to choose! Women have been able to vote for 100 years - well laa-dee-dah! And there’s been four women justices out of 114 in the 230 year history of the Supreme Court! Yippee! Thank you Ruth Bader Ginsburg for doing your best to steer this ship in the right direction and too bad Donald, Mitch, Lindsey and now Mitt want to steer it back to the bad old days. I love how RBG snuck in gains for women by fighting for protections for men, like widower protections for single fathers or allowing admission of men to nursing school. Pictured here is an Ikea dishtowel cast in bronze to celebrate our paltry gains. And it’s exactly the kind of frivolous purchase you gals would make with your own financial autonomy is art made by a female artist. The dishtowel is the most abstract looking of the found object collection of bronze objects, and it strikes me as representing the inchoate path to justice we find ourselves in.

12" x 9.5"

6 lbs

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Toothpaste tube

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Men's razor

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99 Cent Store Slim Jim

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California Tray
